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Water Conservationist Of The Year
Ajar Inc. - Adam Kellerman

Ajar. Inc was nominated for their quick and efficient work in managing the stormwater in recent storms as well as mitigation of the system so it can function adequately. Ajar Inc. is responsible for managing water systems around the island which is critical for the function of agriculture. Their knowledge and experience have assisted many farmers and ranchers in understanding their systems in which those land users can then improve the efficiencies of their systems. For this work Ajar. Inc has been awarded the 2024 water conservationist of the year for West Kauai

Hui Makaʻ āinana o Makana - Eric Hanson

Hui Makaainana o Makana was nominated for their upstanding work in improving their irrigation system. They have upgraded their piping to allow for better water circulation and water distribution. They took the initiative to create checkpoints to ensure water does not run off into the ocean when they are fertilizing their fields. Additionally they utilize cover crop and nutrient management to both improve soil health, and reduce potential impacts to surface and ground waters. They are an example for operations that ensure water use and quality do not negatively impact the island which is why East Kauai would like to recognize them as the 2024 water conservationist of the year. 

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Lihue, Hawaii 96766

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Updated 12/17/19

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